Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Baskets of Love

Our sweet sisters spent time last Wednesday night putting together baskets for some very special people.  Fruit baskets were made for the widows, widowers, and shut-ins within our church family, each one labeled with a name and address.  Wrapped boxes filled with food items were also made for anyone who might need a little help getting through the holiday season.  Church members were notified about all the packages and anyone and everyone were welcome to come by the church and pick up as many as they'd like to deliver.  All the baskets and boxes were picked up within a couple of days and I have no doubt many lives were touched through this amazing service project...for both the givers and receivers!  Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped with this in any way.  God's love is radiating through all of you!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

2011 Fall Festival

What a great success our Fall Festival was!  In addition to the huge turnout from our church family, we had hundreds of guests from the community come to our church for a pass through the awesome trunk-or-treat line and a free hot dog dinner.  We may have just about cleared out the candy aisle at Walmart with all the extra candy runs that were made that night.  Many thanks to all who helped and all who visited with us that evening!


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Upcoming Fall Festival

Sisters, please plan to be at the church parking lot on Saturday, October 29th, at 5:00 pm to help give as many kids as possible one huge sugar rush!

Yes, it's time for the Fall Festival and this year that will include games, food, and trunk-or-treat, all FREE to anyone in the community.  The men of FUEL are really taking the lead on this service project and are working together to make sure it's going to be a huge success.

One of the things that will make our trunk-or-treat unique from others in the community is our plan to have at least 25 vehicles that are giving out Gluten-Free Dairy-Free candy. This time of year is hard for children with dietary restrictions so it is awesome that children with these allergies will be able to participate at this fun event without having to give most of their candy away at the end of the night. 

But one of the things we still need are more trunks

If you'd like to join many of the other PowerWALK ladies and their families by giving out Gluten Free - Dairy Free candy, please let Michele know.  Here are 2 different websites that have good information on what candy is Gluten Free - Dairy Free.

Even if you are not able to do a trunk this year, please plan to still come join us on Saturday.  It will be a great night to fellowship with one another as well meet and hopefully build some relationships with others from our community.

See ya there!

Monday, October 10, 2011

2nd Annual Kick-Off Celebration

Our sweet sisters ready to welcome with a smile!!



 We even had gluten-free and sugar-free cucakes!

These are just a few of the wonderful ladies of Power WALK:

We would love to meet you andget to know you better. You know us women, we never meet a stranger and can chat for hours..your story and presence is very important to all of us! Stop in and visit the gals!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Plan To Get Here Early On September 14th!

Heads up, Walkers!!

Please plan to come early for our September 14th celebration. Invite your friends to come early as well. We are planning to start right at 7, so we need to get everyone there and settled beforehand.

We will have a little more than 200  chairs set up, but please be ready to help us set up some at the last minute if needed. It is so hard to know exactly how many to plan for, and we appreciate your help in making this night go very smoothly.

So wear your BIG smiles, put on your WPW shirts and get ready for a great night!

Watch this website for more info about the event.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011